Remember this night in Vlkanová, this photograph? December 30th, 2008, when you taught me how to ice-skate. Just you and me, the cold December night falling fast, that deserted lake and the sky so full of stars. I felt on my back so many times, over the rocky ice, but I actually did it! I was ice-skating with you my love! And when, dark already, you approached me in the middle of the lake to kiss me that was pure magic! That was romance! That was so much more than any place my imagination has taken me! Lea, that was the most beautiful moment of my life! I want to thank you, over and over again, for everything you gave me, for everything you made me feel. I have no words to tell you how I miss you...
The irony: Vlkanová, the small village where this night happened, where the most beautiful night I ever lived happened, is the place where you're now resting for all eternity... as if I needed some other reason to remember Vlkanová for the rest of my life...
As soon as I can, my love, I will return to Vlkanová again to give you some flowers. I don't know when I will be able to do it, for sometimes I don't even have enough to eat this days, but I will. I promise.